Log-on to: https://soundcloud.com/user-848078426/get-active-the-inn-10-22-17
To hear an incredible story of Volunteerism!!! This “Get Active” segment was Hosted by Z-100’s own Skeery Jones, Executive Producer of the “Elvis Duran in the Morning” Show, and Co-Produced and CoHosted by NASW Member, Silas W. Kelly, LMSW “E-Journalism Social Work Specialist”
On Sunday June 25, 2017 at the foot of the George Washington Bridge in New York City an amazingly, motivated and dedicated young lady embarked on an incredible. 4000 mile, cross-country, journey to California …on her Bicycle, arriving on August 17, 2017. Her name is Sarah O’Conner from Malverne, NY. She is a 2016, Summa Cum Laude, Honors College Graduate of Adelphi University in Garden City who majored in History. Sarah is also a model and has been doing that since the age of 14. Her story is one that is certainly worth telling. She has a final goal of raising $25,000 by October 31, 2017, all to benefit a very worthy NonProfit organization known as “The INN”, which is The Interfaith Nutrition Network in Hempstead, NY. They provide a wide array of services to those who are in need all across Long Island, NY.
Their mission statement says it all. The “INN” “addresses the issues of hunger and homelessness on Long Island by providing food, shelter, long-term housing, and supportive services in a dignified and respectful manner for those who seek our help”. The INN operates soup kitchens, a food pantry and emergency shelters, as well as long-term housing . They recently opened their newest venture, the Center for Transformative Change where they work with guest one-on-one — offering job and medical referrals veteran’s benefits and many other things. It’s Mary Brennan Soup Kitchen serves meals to the largest number of needy people on Long Island. The agency has several Licensed Social Workers on Staff who coordinates services and assists those who come seeking help.
By Silas W. Kelly, LMSW.
NASW Member