Channel: Guest Submission – Social Justice Solutions
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Inspiring Ways to Soothe a Wounded Spirit


There is no secret about the fact that sometimes life is just plain hard. Relationships come and go, people hurt you, jobs are lost, money is tight and things you’ve always counted on are no longer there. If you have a wounded spirit and are going through rough times, there are a few things you can do to help you over the hump without spending an arm and a leg on doctors and dangerous pharmaceuticals.

Find Your Center

Although it has become almost cliché, there is a great amount of truth in this one simple piece of advice to find your center. Practitioners of Eastern mysticism suggest that you start with a series of deep breathing exercises and simply relax back into yourself to find that place deep within that no one can touch – that place of solitude. If you find it difficult to empty your conscious mind of all the trials and tribulations that face you, there are a number of wonderful recorded guided imagery meditations that can lead you down through the levels of consciousness to that place of security and beauty that each of us has deep within their very core.

Seek Alternative Methods Safely

Too many doctors are quick to hand out scripts for antidepressants. Your family doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist who will then prescribe a number of pharmaceuticals meant to keep you stable during this time. Unfortunately, what you are not told is that each of these medications carries side effects, some of them none too pleasant. If you feel the need for something to help you relax, why not (in states where it’s legal) get a prescription and find medical cannabis dispensaries where you can get weed to smoke, edibles, tinctures and other forms that are far safer than dangerous drugs manufactured by the big pharmaceutical companies that have dollar signs in their eyes.

Get Out and Get Walking

Nothing is as exhilarating as a brisk walk in fresh air. As your blood begins to circulate, oxygen is carried to every cell in your body giving you more energy than you ever knew you had. One of the reasons why so many people become tired and drained when undergoing extreme amounts of stress is because they are literally holding their breath! Try getting out and walking around your neighborhood at first. As you become more comfortable with your daily routine, migrate to a local park where beauty surrounds you. If you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, walk along the sand. It’s really hard to stay depressed when surrounded by the natural beauty of Mother Earth.

At this point it should be said that there are times when seeking the counsel of a professional is needed. If you, or a loved one, is depressed to the point of doing harm to yourself or others, intervention is called for. However, when you are just trying to get back that feeling of wellness in body, mind and spirit, there are natural ways to soothe a wounded spirit. The key is in recognizing the level of inner pain before deciding on a course of action. In the meantime, try these simple methods and see if they don’t bring you much needed relief.

Written by Guest Submitter

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