Inspiring Ways to Soothe a Wounded Spirit
There is no secret about the fact that sometimes life is just plain hard. Relationships come and go, people hurt you, jobs are lost, money is tight and things you’ve always counted on are no longer...
View Article3 Million People Taking Long Term Sick Leave Due to Back Pain
If you suffer with back pain, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, about three million people end up taking long term sick leave as a result of their debilitating back pain. Continue reading to learn...
View ArticleBe a SPANNER for Whanau Not a COG for the State
This opinion piece speaks to the structures, organisations and people that contribute to maintaining the child protection social work status quo in New Zealand. Especially, the abusive transacting and...
View ArticleWhere Social Justice and Public Health Intersect
Never before has there been a generation as socially conscientious as the generation often referred to as millennials. From ecological concerns to world hunger and healthcare, millennials recognize...
View ArticleThe Best Healthcare Jobs in 2016 and How to Qualify for Them
We’re seeing a steady economic growth as we venture further into the year 2016. This growth means more jobs, a better economic climate and more opportunities in various fields. One of the fields that...
View ArticleRebuilding the Middle Class
The middle class is about to disappear. And it is not going to disappear because they are all going to shift into the region of upper middle class or even wealthy, the real scenario is very bleak. The...
View ArticleWho is the Social Justice Warrior Fighting?
I read this blog titled What Do We Deserve? by Erin Bailey as it came across my newsfeed the other day. It understandably went pretty viral because it has a message that any decent person can support:...
View ArticleChallenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs
Even though women have done so much in the business world already, with female CEOs leading major corporations and incredibly talented women starting their own hugely popular brands, female...
View ArticleHow to Encourage More Children to Become Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs often credit their upbringing for their business success. Amazing family work ethics, or just big dreamers, it is clear that the world needs more innovation and more entrepreneurs. The...
View ArticleOvercoming Self-doubt in Social Work
Some self-disclosure here—I’m a rather sensitive person and I often tend towards self-doubt, thinking something is my fault if it doesn’t go well and lots of critical voices in my head always. With...
View ArticleHow Online Study is Making It Easier for Those Less Fortunate to Graduate
These days, technology has changed the way that people live, work, and go to school. There are so many online degree programs available, from bachelor’s level degrees of all kinds, to online MBA...
View Article4 Conspiracy Theories That Shouldn’t Inform Your Vote
This election has been dominated by fear ― fear of the state of the country and world as well as fear of the candidates themselves. Unfortunately, all three nominees for president are capitalizing on...
View ArticleMental Health Awareness Week: NY Area Radio Broadcast and a Message on Stigma
Mental Illness affects everyone at some point in their life either directly, being diagnosed with a mental illness, or indirectly, having a friend or loved one diagnosed with one. Add to that the...
View ArticleThe Case for Special Victim Units
Our country has a prison problem. However, counteractive to the intention of many of the laws passed, violent offenders are rarely put behind bars. Although many smaller factors may feed into why...
View ArticleWhat You Can Do to Help the Homeless Today
Sadly, more and more cities around the United States, as well as across the globe, are seeing rising rates of homelessness, caused by issues such as poverty, unemployment, natural disasters, family...
View ArticleRedirecting Troubled Teens Toward Success
There are about 32 million American teenagers, and the National Institute of Mental Health estimates that by the age of 15 just over 20 percent of them either have or have had a seriously debilitating...
View ArticleVitamin D Deficiency Linked to Several Diseases Worldwide
Here at home as well as in nations around the globe, there are a great number of diseases and conditions that can be directly linked to vitamin deficiencies. Of course everyone knows that Vitamin C is...
View ArticleParenting’s troubled history: Why changing family patterns is our most...
As we learned from the CDC-Kaiser Permanente ACE Study, negative childhood experiences are often kept secret, downplayed, or repressed because of our powerful desire to put such things behind us....
View Article5 Great Reasons to Train to Become a Nurse
Nursing is a hugely rewarding career in many ways and there are literally hundreds of reasons why you should be a nurse. It isn’t the right career for everyone and not all who enter the nursing...
View ArticleThe FDA’s Most Dangerous Drug Recalls
The Food and Drug Administration is constantly busy testing and retesting all sorts of foods, drugs, and devices that are available for public use, and thankfully, the FDA is capable enough to catch...
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